The Furniture Barn Bunbury Pty Ltd ACN 600 076 211 is committed to respecting your right to privacy and protecting your personal information. This document sets out Furniture Barn’s condensed Privacy Notice. Furniture Barn also has a full Privacy Policy, which contains information about how you can complain about any privacy breach by Furniture Barn. A full copy of our Privacy Policy can be accessed at

Information Collection, Use and Disclosure

Furniture Barn may collect, use or disclose personal information about you for the following purposes:


  • Providing you with the goods or services requested.
  • To modify or improve the goods or services provided to you.
  • Customer support.
  • To manage the contractual relationship between you and Furniture Barn.
  • Client and business relationship management.
  • To perform audits, security and fraud monitoring and prevention.
  • To process transactions.
  • To ask for ratings and reviews of the products and services we offer.
  • Marketing of products and services to you.
  • To administer the employer/employee or principal/contractor relationship. 
  • To comply with legal process or to protect Furniture Barn’s interests.


The types of personal information we may collect, use or disclose about you includes but is not limited to:


  • Your name;
  • Your email address, residential address and billing address;
  • Your telephone number;
  • Your occupation and business address;
  • Your financial information including credit card details or details of your bank or financial institution account.


In order to deliver the goods or services requested, we may disclose your personal information to the persons/organisations described below:


  • Related entities of Furniture Barn.
  • Persons or organisations involved in providing your product or service, or components of your product or service, including independent contractors, and third party service providers engaged by us. 
  • Persons or organisations involved in marketing goods and services on behalf of Furniture Barn.
  • Government agencies or other persons/organisations involved in regulating our business.
  • Organisations involved in maintaining, reviewing, and developing our business systems, procedures and infrastructure including maintaining or upgrading our computer systems.
  • Persons or organisations involved in purchasing part or all of our business.
  • Organisations involved in the payments systems including financial institutions, merchants and payment organisations.


Whenever it is reasonable or practicable to do so, we will collect your personal information directly from you. Sometimes it will be necessary for us to collect information from a third party or a publicly available source.


We may disclose your personal information to recipients within Australia.


Access to, and correction of personal information

You have the right to request access to your information and to request that Furniture Barn update or correct your personal information.  A charge may apply for providing access to your information.  


Our Privacy Policy contains further information about how you may request deletion of, access to, and correction of, your personal information. 


Contacting Us

Our Privacy Policy contains information about how you may contact us.



We need your permission to collect, use and disclose your personal information. 


If you consent to your personal information being collected, used and disclosed as described above and in our privacy policy, please click here.


In the event that you do not consent to Furniture Barn collecting, using and disclosing your personal information as described above and in our privacy policy, we may be unable to provide the goods or services requested.